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Large-scale demonstration of TSO–DSO coordination: the CoordiNet Spanish approach

F.D. Martín Utrilla, D. Davi, A. Gil Martínez, J.P. Chaves, I. Gómez-Arriola

2020 Berlin CIRED Workshop, Berlín (Alemania). 22-23 septiembre 2020


The necessary energy transition to decarbonise power systems is leading to increasingly important challenges for the operation of power systems. On the one hand, the intermittent nature of renewable generation requires system operators to procure system services in larger volumes than in the past. On the other hand, the growing penetration of medium- and small-scale, flexible demand and storage systems in distribution networks might result in congestions or voltage problems in this grid level, but these resources could potentially offer system services, if they are aggregated effectively and there is appropriate coordination between transmission system operators (TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs) and aggregators. Therefore, an interesting topic to be analysed is whether distributed energy resources can replace traditional generation in the provision of system services, how this replacement will affect the system operators' roles and how to improve the coordination between TSOs and DSOs. The CoordiNet project aims at demonstrating, through different TSO–DSO coordination schemes, options for providing system services with flexible resources located at different voltage levels. This study shows the Spanish demonstrators, in which REE (TSO) and the two largest DSOs, i.e. e-distribución and i-DE participate, as well as IIT Comillas and Tecnalia, among several European partners.

Resumen divulgativo:

Este estudio presenta los demostradores españoles del proyecto CoordiNet, en el que participan REE (TSO) y los dos mayores DSO, es decir, e-distribución e i-DE. El proyecto demuestra diferentes opciones para la provisión de servicios del sistema con recursos flexibles en diferentes niveles de tensión.


Palabras clave: distribution networks , transmission networks , distributed power generation , power system management

DOI: DOI icon

Publicado en CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, pp: 724-727

Fecha de publicación: 2020-09-22.

F.D. Martín Utrilla, D. Davi, A. Gil Martínez, J.P. Chaves, I. Gómez-Arriola, Large-scale demonstration of TSO–DSO coordination: the CoordiNet Spanish approach, 2020 Berlin CIRED Workshop, Berlín (Alemania). 22-23 septiembre 2020. En: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, vol. 2020, nº. 1, e-ISSN: 2515-0855

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Redes inteligentes
  • Planificación y operación de recursos energéticos distribuidos